❓ What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a complex eye disease that can damage the optic nerve and cause progressive, irreversible vision loss. In the most common forms of glaucoma, there is an increase of pressure inside the eye. When previous treatment has failed to reduce the pressure inside the eye, this is called refractory glaucoma.

What are the symptoms of glaucoma?
For most people, open-angle glaucoma has no symptoms or early warning signs. Vision loss may not be noticeable at first because it starts gradually at the outer edges of the field of view. It may take years for noticeable sight loss to occur. Because the symptoms of open-angle glaucoma are so subtle, it’s important to have regular eye exams. Early detection and proper treatment can help reduce pressure inside the eye.

How can high eye pressure be treated?
Eye drops are often prescribed, but they may not work for some patients as their glaucoma may be more difficult to treat. When previous treatment has failed to reduce the pressure inside the eye, this is called refractory glaucoma. Your doctor may suggest alternative procedures that may reduce your eye pressure.

Who is at risk for glaucoma?
Glaucoma risk increases with age. You may also face increased risk if glaucoma runs in your family, if you are African-American or Latino, or if you have diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Eye Surgery Center of San Francisco is dedicated to providing world-class glaucoma treatment and care. The disease is often asymptomatic, and people may lose their vision without knowing it. Appropriate treatment for glaucoma will prevent loss of sight in the majority of patients whose condition is detected early. For more information about what to expect during an eye examination for glaucoma, don’t wait to consult with one of our eye-care practitioners about possible treatments for your eye condition.

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